
Vision & Mission

AIM - Micro, Medium & Small-Scale Industry.MSME Sector is the Back Bone of Indian economy. To make representations to Central / State Government & Semi-public authorities, Executive and legislative, on any matter directly or indirectly affecting sector.

  • To identify issues restricting growth of MSMEs at central and state level
  • To study such issues in detail and present comprehensive reports to all stakeholders
  • Coordination with different Government departments at Central and state level through regular meetings, trainings, workshops.
  • Aim work with Government and International agencies working for MSMEs in areas of – Policy formulation, Skill development, Make in India and other relevant programs.
  • Provide a holistic grid to connect MSMEs with mentors, incubators & accelerators and assist them through capacity building programs & services
  • Help MSMEs explore different government schemes
  • To Disseminate relevant and useful information to MSMEs across India.
  • To Identify best policies and practices in different states and suggest those to AIM Network, Central and State Governments for replication.
  • To build capacity of different MSME Associations in respective sector/ regions.
  • Deliberate on policy issues that impact performance of the MSME sector and provide effective channels to communicate issues and concerns to government at the centre and states as well as to other regulatory bodies and banks
  • Provide regular interface between Industry, Government and regulators through workshops, round tables and representations and interactive sessions with to create an enabling environment for further growth of the sector
  • Educating, Skilling, Promoting & Empowering Youth, MSMEs, Start-Ups, Women, SC/ST/OBC & Dalits.
  • Creating Agripreneurs for Rural Transformation.
  • Connecting Small with Large Domestic & International Market.
  • To be India’s Leading MSME Advocacy Forum.
  • Integrating Progressive India for Digitalization


The Goal of AIM is “Socio-economic development of India by empowering MSME sector”.

The objectives of AIM are:

To facilitate favourable Policies for MSMEs
  • To identify issues restricting growth of MSMEs at Central and State level
  • To study such issues in detail and present comprehensive reports to all stakeholders
  • Coordination with different Government departments at Central and State level through regular meetings, trainings and workshops.

To facilitate growth and competitiveness of MSME sector
  • To Disseminate relevant and useful information to MSMEs across India.
  • To Identify best policies and practices in different states and suggest those to AIM Network, Central and State Governments for replication.
  • To build the capacity of different MSME Associations in respective sector/ regions.

To highlight the importance and contribution of MSMEs.
  • Regular networking and common events among MSME Associations.
  • Regular coordination with media for highlighting the efforts and success stories of MSMEs
  • To promote Responsible Business Behaviour and to follow and promote ethical business practices
  • To comply with Government rules and regulations relating to labour laws, taxation, pollution, etc.
  • To handhold and mentor new entrepreneurs and local MSMEs.
  • To take care of their manpower through skill development and career development

To benefit the Members by creating Mutual benefit schemes
Promote collective bargaining for members in areas like- Insurance, Hotels, Hospitals, Telecom, Flights, etc.